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Crept In Unawares: Mysticism (Book Release)

Crept In Unawares: Mysticism

by Heath Henning is now available for purchase here.

Dr. Christ Berg, in his Ph.D dissertation “Purging the New Age: A Theological Analysis of the Use of New Age Practices by the Church,” introduced this book with these words:

Heath Henning’s book entitled Crept In Unawares: Mysticism is an excellent new addition to the academic literature on New Age philosophy and the church. He examines the New Age movement as a modern iteration of ancient Gnosticism. The second half of the book is useful, as it contains a detailed discussion of how experientialism has taken over the American Church and provided the soil for the adoption of New Age practices. He focuses on contemplative prayer and contemporary Christian music as the greatest offenders due to their origins in ancient mysticism. Finally, he provides an integrated treatment of “Kingdom Now” or “Dominion” theology and draws connections to both Islam and New Age organizations.1)Chris Berg, Purging the New Age: A Theological Analysis of the Use of New Age Practices by the Church, Ph.D dissertation, Liberty University, (Lynchberg, VA: 2021),p. 33

From the back cover:

Jude warned, “For there are certain men crept in unawares,” which implies the apostasy is not an accidental development. This book documents the ancient pagan Mystery religions planned infiltration of churches in the early centuries and their contemporary counterpart, known as the New Age movement, permeating modern Christianity. In the past this paganized Christianity was called Gnosticism.

Heath Henning proposes that the apostasy leading up to the antichrist, and essentially the antichrist himself, will follow a revised form of Gnosticism. Gnosticism gained a stronghold in the early centuries because its participants were introduced to ancient mystical practices. These same spiritual exercises are being promoted by modern Christian leaders and has been accepted by an alarming number of professing Christians.

A mystical event will cause one to cast off any objective authority, such as the Bible, to exalt the subjective experience as a greater source of truth. Often a person will change their interpretation of the Bible for the purpose of justifying their experience. Some of the most outrageous heresies have been preached or promoted in recent “Christian” publications, and these false teachers are being recognized as authoritative across the world.

Equip yourself with the facts to protect your family and church from the intrusion of mysticism. Learn to discern the truth from apostasy. Contend for the Biblical faith and stand against the compromise of this age.

This book is 245 pages and contains 1,088 endnotes documenting the planned infiltration of Christian churches.

The Chapter content includes:

Chapter 1: The Ancient Apostasy This chapter examines scriptures and ancient Christian sources which reveal the end time apostasy that will give rise to the antichrist as Gnosticism. Gnosticism was developed when the Pagan Mystery religions sought to infiltrate Christianity. It is the same intentions to infiltrate churches today that will fulfill Bible prophecy of an end time apostasy.

Excerpts from Chapter 1:

“Antichrist Will Be Gnostic” readable here

Chapter 2: New Age Gnosticism This chapter documents the writings of the New Age movement which claim to be the descendants of the ancient Pagan Mystery religions. These modern authors are exposed from their own books about how they plan to infiltrate churches today and use the Christian pulpits as a catalyst for their messiah figure.

Chapter 3: Freemasonry This chapter explores the dark secrets of Freemasonry. The Masonic lodge is the major player used to fulfill the plan for the New Age movement to infiltrate churches.

Excerpts from Chapter 3:

“The Roots of Freemasonry: Satanism and Occultism” readable here

“Freemasonry and the SBC” readable here

Chapter 4: Paradigm Change in Churches This chapter explains the Hegelian Dialectic  philosophy which has caused the shift in thinking of modern society and has prepared the current generation of Christians to be receptive to the New Age spirituality that is completely opposite to the Bible.

Chapter 5: Exegesis Exchanged for Experiences This chapter gives an extensive definition of Mysticism as an exaltation of experiences that cause one to change their theology. It also reveals the multitude of New Age authors who state that this is the means to cause Christians to receive the New Age spirituality. Further documented is the alleged Christian leaders who are responsible for introducing this mentality into churches across the world.

Chapter 6: Contemplative Prayer This chapter expounds the correlation of Contemplative Prayer with ancient Gnosticism. The practice of contemplative prayer has introduce many churches into the compromise with Paganism. Many major christian voice are promoting this unbiblical practice and the New Age authors admit that it is their main method of converting churches toward their spirituality.

Excerpts from Chapter 6:

“Keswick Mysticism Infiltrating Fundamentalism” readable here

“A. W. Tozer and Contemplative Prayer (Part 1)” readable here

“A. W. Tozer and Contemplative Prayer (Part 2)” readable here

Chapter 7: Music The repetitiveness of many of the popular contemporary christian songs follow the contemplative prayer method of using a mantra to induce a quasi-spiritual feeling. The theology in many of these songs are also subtly portraying New Age notions which becomes embedded in the belief system of people when joined to the hypnotic beats and rock rhythms of the contemporary christian music.

Excerpts from Chapter 7:

“New Age Contemporary Christian Music” readable here

Chapter 8: Deification The purpose of Mysticism is to allegedly bring a person to the self knowledge of their divine nature. Of course such a doctrine is utterly opposed to the Biblical God. However, many of the most popular Christian leaders are teaching this heresy of man being divine. This is thoroughly documented and exposed from the various angles which it is creeping into influence churches.

Excerpts from Chapter 7:

“The “little gods” Word of Faith Heresy” readable here

“Panentheism (Part 1)” readable here

“Panentheism (Part 2)” readable here

“Evolution is Paganism” readable here

Chapter 9: The Kingdom Now: Dominionism The doctrine of Dominionism teaches that Christians are supposed to take over the world to set up the kingdom so that Christ can return. This false teaching of “kingdom building” is establishing nothing but the kingdom which the antichrist will rule. Mysticism is the binding experience that provides the feeling of oneness with the world and other people of diverse beliefs. It is only through mystical experiences that a one world religion could arise to worship the antichrist.

Crept In Unawares: Mysticism

by Heath Henning is available for purchase here.



Heath Henning
Heath Henning
Heath heads the Set Free addictions ministry on Friday nights at Mukwonago Baptist Church and is involved in evangelism on the University of Wisconsin Whitewater campus, offering his expertise in apologetics at the weekly Set Free Bible Study every Tuesday evening. He currently lives in East Troy, Wisconsin with his wife and nine children. Read Heath Henning's Testimony

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