HomeArticlesWhy Dinosaur are NOT Millions of Years Old

Why Dinosaur are NOT Millions of Years Old

In a previous article we documented a number of discoveries revolving around soft tissues and even DNA found within fossils that secular scientist have dated to millions of years old.1)see Heath Henning, “Dinosaur Discoveries and Preserved Soft Tissues,” April 23, 2016;  https://truthwatchers.com/dinosaur-discoveries-persreved-soft-tissue/ In that previous article it was mentioned how utterly absurd this thought is and why this material could not be preserved for millions of years. It recorded the research that indicated the latest age these fossils could be must be less than 10,000 years old based on the half-life of DNA being 521 years as determined by secular scientists.2) Brian Thomas M.S., “DNA In Dinosaur Bones?” Acts & Facts, 2013, 42 (1), p. 15; accessible at http://www.icr.org/article/dna-dinosaur-bones The sciencealter.com article reporting the most recent discovery stated, “That said, don’t expect a Jurassic Park-style theme park anytime soon – these scraps of matter aren’t enough to provide dinosaur DNA, which is thought to decay naturally within half a century.”3) David Neild, “Fossilised Protein Has Been Discovered Inside a 195-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Bone,” Feb 4, 2017; http://www.sciencealert.com/195-million-year-old-dinosaur-bone-reveals-the-oldest-proteins-ever-found There was no DNA found in this latest discovery of preserved material because, according to secular dating of such fossils, this latest find of preserved materials pushes back the date another 100 million years later than what was previously accepted!

As interest of these anomalies has been growing in science communities recently it should be noted that the evidence is not new to scientists. In the later 1800s, England’s famous geologist Mary Anning found marine fossils in the eroding cliffs near her hometown of Lyme Regis. Among her discoveries was a fossilized cuttlefish, which had an ink-sac with ink remaining and usable. Charles Dickens wrote about Mary’s find in 1865, saying, “Some of them are so perfect that the ink-bag has been found and ‘utilised.’”4)Charles Dickens, 1865. Mary Anning, the Fossil Finder. All the Year Round: A Weekly Journal, Volume XIII. London: Chapman and Hall, p. 62 The cuttlefish was retrieved from an area that also contained ichthyosaurs and a pterosaur, which would demand secular scientists to perceive this cuttlefish came from the age of the dinosaurs. How could this ink be preserved for millions of years?

This latest discovery was reported to have been “made by researchers at the University of Toronto within a rib of a Lufengosaurus dinosaur, a long-necked herbivore that roamed across what’s now south-western China during the Early Jurassic period.”5) David Neild, “Fossilised Protein Has Been Discovered Inside a 195-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Bone,” Feb 4, 2017; http://www.sciencealert.com/195-million-year-old-dinosaur-bone-reveals-the-oldest-proteins-ever-found Identifying the Early Jurassic period what was supposedly “around 100 million years older than fragments of collagen found in the thigh bone of a hadrosaur in 2009…”6)David Neild, “Fossilised Protein Has Been Discovered Inside a 195-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Bone,” Feb 4, 2017; http://www.sciencealert.com/195-million-year-old-dinosaur-bone-reveals-the-oldest-proteins-ever-found This summarized the statement of the technical paper published by the group involved with the discovery. “We report the presence of ancient collagen and protein remains preserved in a 195 million-year-old fossil, as demonstrated through in situ SR-FTIR microspectroscopy of the Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur Lufengosaurus…. In addition, the next oldest degraded collagen fragments were found in 75 million-year-old fossils.” 7)Yao-Chang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Pei-Yu Huang, Chao-Yu Chung, Timothy D. Huang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Iue Chen, Rong-Seng Chang, Cheng-Hao Liao & Robert R. Reisz, “Evidence of preserved collagen in an Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy,” January 31, 2017 (Discussion); http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14220

David Neild wrote about this discovery: “The researchers suggest that small, iron rich particles left over from blood flowing through the rib bones might have been the source of the haematite which bound to the proteins and helped protect them against the ravages of time.”8)David Neild, “Fossilised Protein Has Been Discovered Inside a 195-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Bone,” Feb 4, 2017; http://www.sciencealert.com/195-million-year-old-dinosaur-bone-reveals-the-oldest-proteins-ever-found The technical paper reported, “Normally, tissues of terrestrial vertebrates degrade quickly after death. The time period for degradation of organic materials within bones is thought to be shorter than that of bone permineralization, and, therefore, haematite concretions need to form relatively early in order to prevent complete degradation of protein materials within the osteonal vascular canals.” 9)Yao-Chang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Pei-Yu Huang, Chao-Yu Chung, Timothy D. Huang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Iue Chen, Rong-Seng Chang, Cheng-Hao Liao & Robert R. Reisz, “Evidence of preserved collagen in an Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy,” January 31, 2017 (Discussion); http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14220 This comment indicates that scientists know that this kind of material decays rapidly and should cease to exist before the bone become fossils. So how do they exist within fossilized bones?

During previous research about these types of discoveries, evolutionists became extremely skeptic that these materials could truly be preserved and remain in fossils presumed so old. One argument that was leveled at previous discoveries was that the fossils were contaminated. This latest find went out of the way with advanced technology to not provide any reason to claim contamination. The research team reported, “In order to exclude the possibility of external contamination of the fossil material, in particular from the demineralization process, in situ investigation of organic remains within the adult Lufengosaurus bones was undertaken using thin sections. FTIR spectroscopy is a state-of-the-art technique and non-destructive analysis method for identifying the vibrational motions of chemical bonding of molecular structures based on the characteristic infrared absorption bands in the mid-infrared range, associated with the various functional groups especially for organic molecules including proteins…. The results indicate that native collagen was preserved within the osteonal central vascular canals, together with haematite particles that were likely derived, at least in part, from haemoglobin of the dinosaur. This suggests that haemoglobin and the resulting haematite may have had a preservative effect on the proteins that originally resided in the central osteonal canals of the rib.” 10)Yao-Chang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Pei-Yu Huang, Chao-Yu Chung, Timothy D. Huang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Iue Chen, Rong-Seng Chang, Cheng-Hao Liao & Robert R. Reisz, “Evidence of preserved collagen in an Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy,” January 31, 2017 (Introduction); http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14220 Or simply put: “The device uses infrared spectroscopy, or targeted beams of light, to identify materials – in this case collagen and iron-rich proteins – without having to risk contaminating the samples.”11) David Neild, “Fossilised Protein Has Been Discovered Inside a 195-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Bone,” Feb 4, 2017; http://www.sciencealert.com/195-million-year-old-dinosaur-bone-reveals-the-oldest-proteins-ever-found These devices left no question of what was being observed. “Preserved collagen material inside the vascular canals, transparent flat preserved protein fragments, were identified using SR-FTIR (as discussed below), and dark-red particles in both vascular canals and lacunae were also clearly observed by using SR-TXM (Fig. 1i–m).”12)Yao-Chang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Pei-Yu Huang, Chao-Yu Chung, Timothy D. Huang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Iue Chen, Rong-Seng Chang, Cheng-Hao Liao & Robert R. Reisz, “Evidence of preserved collagen in an Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy,” January 31, 2017 (Results); http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14220

Palaeontologist Robert Reisz, one of the members of the research team stated, “These proteins are the building blocks of animal soft tissues, and it’s exciting to understand how they have been preserved…”13) Robert Reisz, cited by David Neild, “Fossilised Protein Has Been Discovered Inside a 195-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Bone,” Feb 4, 2017; http://www.sciencealert.com/195-million-year-old-dinosaur-bone-reveals-the-oldest-proteins-ever-found So how do they propose that these “building block of animal soft tissues” were preserved? “We propose that small chambers were formed by concretions of haematite and carbonate within the central vascular canals, preserving isolated collagen and protein remains (Fig. 1f-h).” 14)Yao-Chang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Pei-Yu Huang, Chao-Yu Chung, Timothy D. Huang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Iue Chen, Rong-Seng Chang, Cheng-Hao Liao & Robert R. Reisz, “Evidence of preserved collagen in an Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy,” January 31, 2017 (Results); http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14220 This proposal does not explain how it remained preserved for 195 million years. The research team later concluded: “We therefore propose that iron ions bound by lactoferrin or other iron-rich transferrin proteins may be abundantly distributed within the osteocytes in the micron-scale housing of lacunae during the lifetime of a dinosaur and even after fossilization (Fig. 4b).”15)Yao-Chang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Pei-Yu Huang, Chao-Yu Chung, Timothy D. Huang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Iue Chen, Rong-Seng Chang, Cheng-Hao Liao & Robert R. Reisz, “Evidence of preserved collagen in an Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy,” January 31, 2017 (Results); http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14220

If it was properly understood what was just stated, they are claiming that these materials were “abundantly distributed” through the dinosaurs body while it was alive and “even after fossilization.” They reported earlier in their paper, “The time period for degradation of organic materials within bones is thought to be shorter than that of bone permineralization…”16)Yao-Chang Lee, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Pei-Yu Huang, Chao-Yu Chung, Timothy D. Huang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Iue Chen, Rong-Seng Chang, Cheng-Hao Liao & Robert R. Reisz, “Evidence of preserved collagen in an Early Jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy,” January 31, 2017 (Discussion); http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14220 This material is believed to decompose before the bones fossilize, but now they are trying to claim it remains being abundantly distributed, not only after death but also after it became a fossil!

The obvious conclusion is that it is much more reasonable to believe the age of this dinosaur is consistent with the biblical age of creation as reported by God Himself in the book of Genesis.



Heath Henning
Heath Henning
Heath heads the Set Free addictions ministry on Friday nights at Mukwonago Baptist Church and is involved in evangelism on the University of Wisconsin Whitewater campus, offering his expertise in apologetics at the weekly Set Free Bible Study every Tuesday evening. He currently lives in East Troy, Wisconsin with his wife and nine children. Read Heath Henning's Testimony

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