The New York Times reported, “At first blush, it sounds like the talk of a conspiracy theorist: a company implanting microchips under employees’ skin. But it’s not a conspiracy, and employees are lining up for the opportunity.”1) MAGGIE ASTOR, “Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes,” JULY 25, 2017; But this is no conspiracy theory, it’s a biblical prophecy. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:16-17).
Josh Rosenthal explained, “A Wisconsin company is about to become the first in the U.S. to offer microchip implants to its employees.”2)Josh Rosenthal, “Wisconsin Company to Implant Microchips in Employees ,” July 24, 2017; Would you expect a protest? No! more excitement to be the first to receive the implants. “The program is not mandatory, but as of Monday, more than 50 out of 80 employees at Three Square’s headquarters in River Falls, Wis., had volunteered.”3) MAGGIE ASTOR, “Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes,” JULY 25, 2017; It takes many years of biblical illiteracy to progress to this point. “The company, which is based in River Falls, Wisc., envisions the rice-sized micro chip allowing employees to easily pay for items, access the building and their computers all with a scan of their hand. “4)Mary Bowerman, “Wisconsin company to install rice-sized microchips in employees,” July 24, 2017;
CEO Todd Westby said in a company statement, “We foresee the use of RFID technology to drive everything from making purchases in our office break room market, opening doors, use of copy machines, logging into our office computers, unlocking phones, sharing business cards, storing medical/health information, and used as payment at other RFID terminals… Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.”5) Mary Bowerman, “Wisconsin company to install rice-sized microchips in employees,” July 24, 2017; Explaining why they made this decision, Westby stated, “If you’re a technology company, things like this are actually exciting… We don’t look at it as being too weird. We initially decided to do it just because we thought it was…I guess you could say ‘cool, something different’.”6) Trent Gillies, “Why most of Three Square Market’s employees jumped at the chance to wear a microchip,” 8/11/2017; “The company says future uses of the microchip implant could include holding your passport and travel information, medical history, and GPS to safeguard children.”7)Trent Gillies, “Why most of Three Square Market’s employees jumped at the chance to wear a microchip,” 8/11/2017; Westby also said, “It’s the next thing that’s inevitably going to happen, and we want to be a part of it…”8) Josh Rosenthal, “Wisconsin Company to Implant Microchips in Employees ,” July 24, 2017; He is right. It is inevitably going to happen under the world dictator the Bible calls the antichrist. That is all the more reason we should all oppose it, not advance the agenda and seek to be the first to receive the mark of the beast. Sam Bengtson, a software engineer stated, “In the next five to 10 years, this is going to be something that isn’t scoffed at so much, or is more normal. So I like to jump on the bandwagon with these kind of things early, just to say that I have it.”9) MAGGIE ASTOR, “Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes,” JULY 25, 2017; Noelle Chesley, associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee said, “It will happen to everybody… But not this year, and not in 2018. Maybe not my generation, but certainly that of my kids.”10)Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017; Gene Munster, an investor and analyst at Loup Ventures, is an advocate for augmented reality, virtual reality and other new technologies. He is reported to have said, “In 10 years, Facebook, Google, Apple and Tesla will not have their employees chipped… You’ll see some extreme forward-looking tech people adopting it, but not large companies.”11) Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017; He predicted that by 2067 “we will have been desensitized by the social stigma….”12) Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017; Noelle Chesley stated, “Most employers who have inter-generational workforces might phase it in slowly… I can’t imagine people my age and older being enthusiastic about having devices put into their bodies.” 13)Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017; The older generation will phase out and the younger generation will be desensitized to this being biblically illiterate.
Maggie Astor reported: “Health concerns are more difficult to assess. Implantable radio-frequency transponder systems, the technical name for the chips, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2004 for medical uses. But in rare cases, according to the F.D.A., the implantation site may become infected, or the chip may migrate elsewhere in the body.”14) MAGGIE ASTOR, “Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes,” JULY 25, 2017; Perhaps this could also be the cause of the “grievous sores” spoken of in Revelation that plagues those with the mark of the Beast (Revelation 16:2). It seems odd that in the day and age when people are concerned about GMOs and are so health conscience that they pay outrageous prices for organic food, having a device implanted in their body is desirable.
Josh Rosenthal identified that “Each chip costs $300, and the company is picking up the tab. They’re implanted between a person’s thumb and forefinger.”15) Josh Rosenthal, “Wisconsin Company to Implant Microchips in Employees ,” July 24, 2017; So 50 employees at $300 each is $15,000! From the various reports I have read about this particular company, I have found no significant benefit that the company is receiving to cough up this large sum of money. It offers no more extra security, no financial advancements, nothing; except perhaps bragging rights as the first company on U.S. soil to move in this direction. Perhaps it is just a PR campaign to get free exposure in the media, which surely worked well. However, the media coverage seems to be desensitizing the populous to be accepting of the idea.
Jefferson Graham reported, “In Sweden, BioHax says nearly 3,000 customers have had its chip embedded…” 16)Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017; Furthermore:
In the U.S., Dangerous Things, a Seattle-based firm, says it has sold “tens of thousands” of chips to consumers via its website. The chip and installation cost about $20017)Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017;
Amal Graafstra, founder of Dangerous Things, indicated, “We’re going to start to see chip implants get the same realm of acceptance as piercings and tattoos do now.”18)Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017; In a previous article, I mentioned that tattoos and piercings were being used to desensitize us so society can be pushed in this direction. “The demonic nature that has inspired the recent explosion of interest in body modification is intended to purposely produce a social transformation, a paradigm shift towards a neo-pagan society, beginning with how man views himself and man’s willingness of changing his own image to separate himself from the God Whose image we were created in. By forming a fascination with tattoos and piercings that western world has forsaken its once cherished Christian culture for a primal paganism.”19)Heath Henning, “Tattoos: What is the Biblical View?,” May 21, 2016; The big question is: How long will this remain voluntary? “Three Square Market said the chips are voluntary, but [Noelle] Chesley says that if a company announces a plan to be chipped, the expectation is that you will get chipped — or risk losing out on advancement, raises and being a team player.”20)Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017; Graham’s article addressed this concern as it is being perceived by politics.
“That’s what we’re worried about,” says Bryan Allen, chief of staff for state Rep. Tina Davis (D), who is introducing a bill in Pennsylvania to outlaw mandatory chip embedding. “If the tech is out there, what’s to stop an employer from saying either you do this, or you can’t work here anymore.”
Several states have passed similar laws, while one state recently saw a similar bill die in committee. “I see this as a worker’s rights issue,” says Nevada state Sen. Becky Harris (R), who isn’t giving up. “This is the wrong place to be moving,” she says.21)Jefferson Graham, “You will get chipped—eventually,” Aug. 9, 2017;
It will eventually be the “beast,” a political figure, who will force this upon all of mankind. But for now, we should encourage our politicians to pass laws to stop this from progressing as the means to restrain the lawless one from appearing.