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UFOs and the Counterfeit Rapture

The New Age spirituality is intolerant towards Christianity. New Age authors have taught the need to be ready and willing to kill in the name of unity and tolerance.

Dr. Christopher Hyatt predicts that the New Age will come to pass only after bloodletting and pain on a mass scale. Djwhal Khul, Alice Bailey’s ‘Tibetan Master,’ says that one-third of all humanity must die by the year 2000. John Randolph Price was told by his spirit guide that up to two and one-half billion might perish in the coming chaos. Ruth Montgomery’s books predict that turmoil and destruction will be visited on millions who will pass on into spirit. Meanwhile, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi warns that ‘the unfit and ignorant won’t survive.’1)Texe Mars, Mystery Mark of the New Age, Crossway Books,1988, p. 153

Most people involved with New Age spirituality are completely oblivious to the violent threads of some of their own professed prophets.  The majority of people deceived in the New Age religion are influenced by the thought that they are attempting to improve and save a dying world. In order to improve the dying world, they adapt to a concept that there is a cancer plaguing “mother earth,” and such “cancerous cells” must be removed from the planet.

This pertains to the concept that earth is a living spiritual entity (Gaia), evolving at a rate that humanity will need to keep up with. Those who evolve into an enlightened state, the “Planetary Luciferic Initiation” spoken of by David Spangler, will remain on the planet.  As the human race evolves to the next stage, homo noeticus (new man), or homo universalis (planetary man/being), it is the Christians fundamentalists, viewed as the dark forces, that carry the bad karma which is holding back the rest of the world from the quantum leap into the glorious planetary initiation, i.e. god consciousness at a world wide level.

Some New Age prophets teach that the rapture will be the earth cleansing herself from the bad karma, or cancerous cells that lives on  her.

Those attuned to the old world [will be] transported through the [cosmic] law of attraction [to] another planet, plane of existence or level of earth’s consciousness where they can be contained… the main point is that they will lose, for the time being, their access to the etheric planes of power and the ability to control or influence the developments upon earth.2)David Spangler, Revelation, Birth of a New Age, Findhorn Foundation, 1978, pp.163-164

This view which is widely spread holds to the concept of the Mother Goddess, and  Earth worship. When the vibrations of a group of people are not attuned with the world, the world itself will remove these dangerous cells in a cleansing action. But with the broadness of the New Age revelations, and self proclaimed prophets or channelers, it is common that there is disagreements among New Age beliefs and teachings.

One New Ager who channels messages from aliens beings from the star system Pleiades says they have told her that The earth will cleanse herself.

If human beings do not change — if they do not make the shift in values and realize that without Earth they could not be here — then Earth, in its love for its own initiation, is reaching for a higher frequency, will bring about a cleansing that will balance it once again. There is the potential for many people to leave the planet in an afternoon.3)Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians, Bear and Co., 1992, p.162

The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit in here any longer, and they are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps 20 million people leave the planet at one time there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining.4)ibid, p. 167

Author Kay Wheeler, calls herself a “Pleiadean star seed” and a channeler of the Pleiadean beings. She gives us the message that she received from what she calls the “Souls of Light.”

There is much happening on your planet at this time. The Mother is cleansing. It is all that she knows to do at this time to clear herself of the pollution that exists within her body. But you as light bearers can help your Mother to cleanse in such a way that does not destroy all life on this planet….

She has moved into this energy pattern, and those upon Earth who plan to stay must be of this vibration.5)Kay Wheeler, The Time is Now, Connecting Link Magazine, Issue 23, 1994, p. 34

            She informs those who wish to remain on earth that this “is a time of great rejoicing for them. Do not feel sad about their leaving.”6)ibid Of course, Christians know this is a time of rejoicing when the Lord will call His saints up to him in the clouds at the rapture, to be with him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

The New Age belief in the law of karma explains there is no reason to feel sad about anything that happens to anyone. Their bad karma caused it after all. One channeled message proves this same opinion. Virginia Essens reveals, “never attack her [mother earth] or you will attack the feminine nurturer within yourself. This is so critical that I say it many times. What you do to any other living thing [on the earth or earth itself] must result in your own experience of it.”7)The Christ, channeled by Virginia Essene, New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity, S.E.E. Publishing Co., 1986, p. 33

Others New Agers state that it will be a mass evacuation by the alien entities themselves. This is the “evacuation scenario” defined as the following :

Evacuation Scenario: Special operation that is precursor to mass landing operation. Will be used to quickly evacuate Earth-dwellers who live in regions exposed to catastrophes created by the coming Earth changes. Specially-created Galactic Federation action teams will successfully carry out this procedure.8)http://www.paoweb.com/glossary.htm

The term earth-dweller is in contrasted to those who are enlightened earth-dwellers, that is those who work with ascended masters, or those who are stars seeds. These enlightened earth-dwellers are also called light workers.

One extraterrestrial entity that has been channeling through different mediums over the years, is called by the name Ashtar.

Thousands of mediums, psychics, and UFO contactees have been receiving mountains of messages from Ashtar in recent years…. Ashtar is not a new arrival. Variations of this name, such as Astaroth, Ashar, Asharoth, etc., appear in demonological literature throughout history, both in Orient and Occident. Mr. Ashtar had been around a very long time posing as assorted gods and demons and now, in modern phase, as another glorious spaceman.9)John Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, G.P. Putnam’s Son’s, 1970, p. 230

             George Van Tassell (1910-1978) was the first to be contacted by this entity in the 1950s, which he records in his book I Rode a Flying Saucer (1952). These initial messages were of sudden self-destruction for the earth if the inhabitant did not immediately disarm, and were subsequently anti-atomic weapons. After Van Tassell left the scene, in the 1980s Ashtar began contact with Thelma B. Turrell, who adopted the pseudonym Tuella.  In 1985, she collected and collaborated Ashtar’s messages under the title Ashtar: A Tribute. These writings are also proponents of the extraterrestrial evacuation scenario, teaching “millions of spacecraft standing by (at a moments notice). They are very experienced in the evacuation of populations of planets.”10)Tuella [pseudonym of Thelma B. Turrell], Ashtar: A Tribute. Guardian Action Publications, 1985., p. 55

She further informs us with language familiar to Bible prophecy of the rapture:

The Great Evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly…. So sudden and so quick in its happenings that it is over almost before you are aware of its presence…. Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment. And all over the globe where events warrant it, this will be the method of evacuation. Mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our smaller ships. These smaller craft will in turn taxi the persons to the larger ships overhead, higher in the atmosphere, where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people…11)Tuella, Project World Evacuation, Inner Light Publications, 1993, p. 16

            The Bible uses this exact language to confirm the event that will take place known as the rapture. “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”  (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) So we see Satan attempting to create a counterfeit religion with its own counterfeit explanation of the rapture. Jesus told us that He was preparing mansions for us in heaven (John 14:2), and Satan is telling his New Age disciples that he has prepared “ample space and quarters” for millions that don’t fit with the enlightened earth.

Whitely Strieber also described one of his abductors as the goddess Ishtar, a variant of Ashtar. He also documented a conversation with another abductee in which he stated, “Just a few days before, I had interviewed a person who believed that he had been contacted by people who ‘gosh, just looked like the most beautiful gods and goddesses you ever saw,’ who explained to him that the world was going to end and that the ‘chosen’ would be taken to live on a moon of Jupiter.”12)Whitley Strieber, Communion, Avon Books, 1987, p. 252

In L.A. Marzulli’s book The Alien Interviews, a woman named Lynne Dickie shares a message from aliens that she receives through channeling. These aliens told her that they were angels and she was chosen by god to take pictures of UFOs and share these pictures with the world. She was also informed of three evacuations of people which they referred to as “the Ascensions.”

The Ascension of the Christed Ones was what it was called. We would be taken up into the one to three mile wide ships and would be transformed into light bodies, we would be gone for 1,000 years and then we would come back and live side by side with other E.T.s.13)L.A. Marzulli, The Alien Interviews, Spiral of Life, 2009, Lynne Dickie interview

            There is however, a difference in understanding among New Age ideas who the aliens will be evacuating and how much space is available to those evacuated.

If Armageddon comes, so will the aliens, swooping down in spaceships to evacuate one-tenth of the population in what Christians call ‘the rapture’… Only one-tenth of the population will be spiritually qualified to live in an environment of harmony, and there are some limitations on their [the aliens] ability to provide for us, to house and so forth.14)Gabriel Green, cited by Robb Fulder, Story of Spacemen Broadcast by Man, in the Oregonian, May 8, 1984, p. 132

Whether there is an argument about the petty details, the opinion is obviously well acknowledged.

It became quite clear that there is an understanding among many mystics and sensitives that massive UFO landings will take place and will take up a select few just in the nick of time. This same belief is worldwide and comes from many groups and individuals who claim they are receiving regular messages from highly evolved beings who reside elsewhere than our planet.15)Timothy Green Beckley, Psychic and UFO Revelations in the Last Days, Inner Light Publications, 1989, p. 59

            So we are told that those who are considered “dark forces” because they refuse to be enlightened with the light of the New Age god, the light bearer – Lucifer, will be taken to other planets. This is the cleansing action of “Mother Earth.” The professed religion of the New Age is that according to Hinduism. It’s not the singular entity of Mother Earth, but rather a universal consciousness that they believe in. With the belief of extraterrestrials as highly evolved enlightened beings attuned with the universal consciousness, they would understand the importance of relieving earth of those pesky dark forces that are guilty of holding back the rest of the planet’s chance of Lucifer’s initiation into enlightenment.

An attitude of such violence, hatred, and war has been allowed to permeates your population that earth is now that child — armed and ready to explode. To live in any proximity to you, as a neighbor, is threatening, and I assure you that although you cannot see life in space or in your own solar system, it does exist as higher dimensions and in lighter vibrations. Therefore, any negative movement beyond your own 250-mile boundary injures your own Mother Earth, creates negative weather patterns and causes illegal assaults on God’s other space children who must be guaranteed safety. Who among you would not claim the right to protection if the neighbors brought violence to your domicile?…

That is why the space vehicles you call UFO’s have been monitoring earthly activities…. We of the spiritual realms must tell you that if you do not stop the madness which threatens space, these space brothers may be called upon to intervene — to keep the planet from your path of annihilation.

Be convinced that other solar system life forms will not allow the spread of this insanity into their areas, for although you cannot see them because they reside in the fourth dimension and beyond, they do exist. It is just your limited third dimensional reality that prevents your perception of the higher vibrational life bodies.16)The Christ, channeled by Virginia Essene, New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity, S.E.E. Publishing Co., 1986, p. 6, 145

            Whichever scenario is proclaimed, one thing is sure: “The sudden disappearance of millions of Christians will be seen as confirmation of New Age doctrine.”17)Texe Marrs, Dark Secrets of The New Age, Crossway Books, 1987, p. 163 The fulfillment of their counterfeit prophecies will be to them a “strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” (2 Thessalonians 2:11)



Heath Henning
Heath Henning
Heath heads the Set Free addictions ministry on Friday nights at Mukwonago Baptist Church and is involved in evangelism on the University of Wisconsin Whitewater campus, offering his expertise in apologetics at the weekly Set Free Bible Study every Tuesday evening. He currently lives in East Troy, Wisconsin with his wife and nine children. Read Heath Henning's Testimony

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